Friday, October 20, 2017


It is with great pleasure that I am introducing you to an outstanding ancestor today.  Because of the respect his community had for him, they honored Michael Loy by naming their town after him in 1834. While Michael was alive,  it was called Andesville.  Michael's neighbors renamed the town Loysville, as it stands today. Loysville is in Perry County, Pennsylvania.

Now, I will tell you where this fine man was born and some details of his life. Michael was born in Wurttemberg, Germany on the 21st of July in 1740. He and his family journeyed to Pennsylvania when Michael was quite young. He was sold to a farmer in Berks County, PA to pay for his passage. This farm was between Kutztown and Reading, PA. At age 19, Michael was confirmed in the Maxatawny church near Kutztown in 1759 by Rev. Daniel Schumacher. The Maxatawny Church is located about 1 mile east of  Kutztown, and about 7 or 8 miles southeast of the Ley Homestead in Greenwich Twp., Berks, PA. And, it was in Greenwich that Michael met Maria Margaretha Lempert and married her in 1762. All of their 13 children were born in Greenwich. His father, Mathias Ley, was a tax collector in 1763. Perhaps he collected the taxes from his son Michael  Loy who was taxed in 1765 for 100 acres of land, 15 acres of it clear, 2 horses, 2 cows, 2 sheep, 3 negroes, and 6 Quit-rents while residing in Greenwich Twp.

In the book, "Michael Loy: Revolutionary War Soldier" by Gerald E. Collins, it states that Michael served as a private in Captain Smith's  Company, Pennsylvania Line of the Continental Army, 2nd Battallion, Berks, PA.

In October 1788, Michael purchased land in Andesville (originally called Red Hook) in Perry County, PA, when he was age 48. He built a barn 66 X 26 and a stable 28 X 26 on the west side of his property. In the 1798 Tax List he was taxed on 250 acres of land. Two of his neighbors were Adam Barnhisel and John Barnhisel, also our relatives. Also in 1798, Jacob Barnhisel died after a fall from his horse. Michael was the named executor of Jacob's will.

In 1800, Michael co-founded the Lebanon Lutheran Church. He and Martin Barnhisel donated the land for the church and churchyard cemetery.

Michael died on the 19th of July in 1823. He and his wife are buried in the Lebanon Churchyard Cemetery. Below is a partial transcript of Michael's Last Will and Testament, which he wrote in October 1815:
"The legacy coming to my daughter Margreat which
legacies shall be divided equally among her six children and it is also understood---that George, John and Michael Loy are to pay the above 61 pounds to said Nicholas Loy after the estate is equally divided.
And I do hereby constitute and appoint my son Nicholas Loy and my son George Loy Executors of this my last will and testament and I do hereby utterly revoke all former wills and legacies by me hereto left or made declaring and confirming this & no other to be my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 4th day of oct 1815. Signed Sealed published and declared by the within named Michael Loy, Sr. to be my last will and testament in present of us who subscribed and named in presence of the said testator and of each other."

Peter Scheibley
Isaiah Carl
 Michael Loy (X his mark)
On 14 Oct 1823, before Abraham Fulweiler, Register, Isaah Carl was sworn as one of the witnesses, and, on same date, Henry Titzel, Esq, was sworn to prove the handwriting of Peter Sheibley deceased. (signed) Henry Titzel.

The Collins Book: Their Tombstones are inscribed in German as
"Hier rhuhen die gebeine von Michael Lei, er ist gebohren im Jahr 1740, und ist gestorben im lahr 1823, deu 19, Julius, sein alter war 83 lahr?
and "Hier ruhen die gebeine von Margareta Lei, ehgaten von Michael Lei, sie ist gebohren im lahr 1743, und ist gestorben im lahr 1809, lhr alter war 66 lahr."

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