Friday, November 11, 2016

Interlude Two-A Look at the Mackey Tree and Surnames

First Generation:   Marjorie, Linda and Phillip Mackey (Me and my siblings)

Second Generation: Robert and Kathryn (Phillips) Mackey (Our parents)

Third Generation: Guy and Alma (Spitzer) Mackey (Robert's parents) and Clyde and Cora (Lewis) Phillips (Kathryn's parents)

Fourth Generation: Thomas and Anna (Maus) Mackey (Guy's parents); David and Emma (Morrison) Spitzer (Alma's parents); Azaria and Anna (Davis) Phillips (Clyde's parents); David and Mary (Wilderson) Lewis (Cora's parents)

The Mackey Tree's Surnames (Through the fourth generation)

Surname Ethnicity
Mackey            Scots-Irish
Phillips             Welsh
Spitzer              German
Lewis                British
Maus                 German
Morrison           Irish
Davis                Welsh
Wilderson         German

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