"Jan Bastiaensen lived in a bend of the Linge River near Wolswaert Castle ( pictured at left). Michiel (younger brother) lived in Prince's land near Schoonrewoerd, a village 2 miles north of Leerdam. Both married. Emigrated from Amsterdam 16 April 1663 on the ship De Bonte-Kow (The Brindled Cow), Jan Bergen, Master. From Leerdam with wife and four children, 19, 15, 12 and 6 years old. Also listed are Giel (Michiel) with wife and four children, 8, 9, 5 and 1 years old, and Jan Laurens from Ripjen (no family). Apparently part of the Huguenot emigration to the New World to settle patroonships up the Hudson River near present day Albany, NY. Patroonships were offered by the Dutch West India Company. Those who could settle 50 adult colonists outside the Manhattan (New Amsterdam) area were granted large land holdings called patroonships. Kiliane van Rennesselaerswyck, one of the Company Directors, was granted a tract of almost fifty square miles around present day Albany, NY. This was the destination of many from Schoonrewoerd. Jan may have been the Kortryck who owned a bouwery on Staten Island in 1674." (Written by John Abbot in 1922, a member of the Tioga County Historical Society). Jan Bastiansen Van Kortryk married Yolanta De la Montagne about 1640 in Leerdam, South Holland. They had the following children born in Beest, Holland: 1645 Cornelis 1647 Hendrick, our ancestor 1651 Jansen 1659 Belittie JAN BASTIANSEN VAN KORTRYK BORN: 1618 in Leerdam, South Holland, Netherlands MARRIED: abt 1640 in Leerdam DIED: after 1677 in Staten Island, NY YOLANTA DE LA MONTAGNE BORN: after 1618 in Kortriyk, W. Vlaanderen, South Holland, Netherlands DIED: after 1663 in Cornwall, New York SOURCES: !"History of Harlem" "The Courtright (Kortright) Family", John Abbot, 1922 Tioga County Historical Society records. Genealogy of Central New York, Vol 3, pp 1134-7; FROM Van KORTRYK TO COURTRIGHT: EARLY SETTLERS OF NEW AMSTERDAM [PROVEN], Griffiths, George R. ( George Raymond ) ;, Tempe, Arizona, USA: Published by Author; 1992;, Page number: p. 1; Source text: birth-name: Jan Bastiaensen ( GENEALOGY: Records ) Bibliography: p. 41-42 Includes Courtright, Decker, Low, Bastiaensen, Van Kortryk, and other related families. Bastiaen ( or Sebastian ); Citation: FROM Van KORTRYK TO COURTRIGHT: EARLY SETTLERS OF NEW AMSTERDAM [PROVEN], Griffiths, George R. ( George Raymond ) ;, Tempe, Arizona, USA: Published by Author; 1992;, Page number: p. 2 FISCHE: 6, 125, 309 NS31543 NS31793 birth: 1618; Leerdam, Holland (South), Netherlands ( GENEALOGY: Records ) Bibliography: p. 41-42 Includes Courtright, Decker, Low, Bastiaensen, Van Kortryk, and other related families; Source text: Number of Children ( GENEALOGY ) Microfilm of typed manuscript at the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society in New York City. Includes index. Contains descendents of John Bastiannen Kortregt who came to New York from the Netherlands in 1663. Also include CALN Film: 0, 017, 140: Item # 5 NS26713 NS30433 AKA (Facts Pg( GENEALOGY ) Microfilm of typed manuscript at the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society in New York City.
These 9th grand grandparents were both born in Holland in 1615. Their marriage took place in Amsterdam, Noord Holland, Netherlands on the 7th of November in 1638. They must have emigrated soon after their marriage because their daughter, Grietjen, our ancestor, was born in 1641 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland, New York, the old map of which is pictured above.
The colony of New Netherland was established by the Dutch West India Company in 1624 and grew to encompass all of present-day New York City and parts of Long Island, Connecticut, and New Jersey. A successful Dutch settlement in the colony grew up on the southern tip of Manhattan Island and was christened New Amsterdam. Their second daughter, Margaret, was born in October 1642. They had another daughter named Heyltje, and perhaps other children that I don't know about. On April 2, 1648, Hendrick received permission to seek a living in the colony by day labor or otherwise. Soon he established himself as a baker. On April 1, 1650, in accordance to a resolution, he was granted the "garden between the first and second creeks", formerly occupied by Captain Willem Juriaensz, the baker. Hendrick died in 1654. Femmetje died in 1667 in Kingston, Ulster, NY.
HENDRICK JANSE WESTERCAMP BORN: 1615 in ,Holland, Netherlands MARRIED: 7 Nov 1638 in Amsterdam, Noord Holland, Netherlands DIED: 1654 in Albany, Albany, New York FEMMETJE ALBERTSE VAN NORDEN BORN: 1615 in ,Holland, Netherlands DIED: 1667 in Kingston, Ulster, NY SOURCES: . 747 Descendants of Albert Van Norden, Karen Roby, Posted on Family Tree Maker's Web Site, Roby, Karen, robykamp@bellsouth.net; U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900, Yates Publishing, Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, In c., 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extract ed from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electro nic databases. Originally, the information was deriv;, Page number: Source number: 683.009; Source type: Pedigree chart; : birth-name: Hendrick Janse Westercamp http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=worldmarr_ga&h=1306495&ti=0&indi v=try http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=worldmarr_ga&h=1306495&t i=0&indiv=try AFGS 3 PAGE Source number: 683.009; Source type: Pedigree chart;familysearch:source:3244112568; OneWorldTree, Ancestry.com, Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, In c.;birth-name: Hendrick Janse Westercamp birth: 1615; death: 30 September 1654; Albany, Albany, New York, United States; Doc. 741 Historical and genealogical research notes on Decker and Schoonmaker families, William Decoursey, Family Tree Maker's Web Site; "Netherlands Marriages,1565-1892";!Roots & Branches by Wardle pg. 104 & 152 says she m. Hendrick JANSE and was the m/o Grietjen Hendricke WESTERCAMP. Her PC is Doc. #312. Misc: Bev & Thomas KELLY of Findlay, OH give her surname as ALBERTS b. 1615 m. Hendrick Jansen WESTERCAMP per AF. Another submitter gives her name as Femmetje Alderse VAN NAARDEN b. 1642 in NY d/o Claes Jansen DeRuyter MABILLE whose ancestry includes royalty and is traced back to 6 A.D. (Doc. #1677). LDS ORD: PNS #228, Line in Record @I2334@ (RIN 2333); Children Margaret WESTERCAMP b: 19 Oct 1642 in New Amsterdam, NY Grietjen Hendricks WESTERCAMP b: Bef 19 Oct 1642 in New Amsterdam, New Netherlands, NY
Tomys Swartwout was born in 1607 in Het Rech te Fath, Groningen, Holland. He was a tobacco merchant in the Netherlands by 1629 with his brothers, Wybrandt and Hermanus. They were buying and selling tobacco grown in Virginia and New Netherlands from their establishment in Amsterdam, Holland, just three years after Manhattan Island was purchased by the Dutch West India Company. Amsterdam is the Netherlands’ capital, known for its artistic heritage, elaborate canal system and narrow houses with gabled facades, legacies of the city’s 17th-century Golden Age. Its Museum District houses the Van Gogh Museum, works by Rembrandt and Vermeer at the Rijksmuseum, and modern art at the Stedelijk. Cycling is key to the city’s character, and there are numerous bike paths. (Take note, Dwan Shepard.) I was privileged to see Amsterdam for a few days in 1955 and fell in love with the cleanliness of the city, the Hague, their cuisine, the canals, a cheese farm and villages that I visited, and yes, the bicycling habits of the people. Therefore, I chose to share a photograph of that city rather than any city where Tomys and his family lived in New Amsterdam. In addition, Tomys lived in Amsterdam longer than he lived in New Amsterdam. (I do love Manhattan, too. Afterall, that's where my sweet father was born!!) Tomys was married twice in Holland before he left for the new world. On the 7th of April in 1630 he married (1) Andrijetjen (daughter of Sijmon and Catryna Grebbers Sijmons) in Niewe Kerk, Amsterdam. She died there on 17 Dec 1630, giving birth to a child, Jan. Tomys remarried there, 7 Jun 1631, to Hendrickje Barents Otsen and had 4 children, all born in Amsterdam: 1634 Roeloff, our ancestor 1638 Barent 1639 Tryntje 1645 Jacomijutje Tomys brought his family to America, having left Holland in May 1652. On 11 Dec 1653 he was one of 19 settlers who attended a convention in the New Amsterdam city hall and protested bad administration of the colony by the West India Company and claimed that tax paying colonists had a right to a voice in government. On the 13th of April 1655, Tomys was appointed a magistrate of the court of Midwout (Flatbush) on Long Island. He and his family moved to Wiltwick in Esopus in March 1661, where Tomys received property. Tradition claims that Tomys had returned to Holland in 1662 and died there that year. However, there are also records that say that he died on 3 Jun 1665 in Amsterdam, Holland, Netherlands. TOMYS SWARTWOUT BORN: 1 Jun 1607 in Het Rech de Fath, Groningen, Holland MARRIED: 3 Jun 1631 in Amsterdam, Holland DIED: 3 Jun 1665 in Amsterdam, Holland HENDRICKJE BARENTS OTSEN BORN: 1609in Holland DIED: unknown date in Ulster, NY SOURCES: Swartwout Chronicles A. J. Weise 1899, p. 49 - 56, 89, 581; "The Ambition of Roeloff Swartwout, Schout of Esopus" by Andrew Brink; ; "A History of Ulster Co. under the Dominion of the Dutch" by TAugustus M. Van Buren; Brøderbund Software, Inc. Family Archive #17, Ed. 1, Birth Records: United States/Europe, Birth Records AAI Birth Records Extraction. Release date: December 23, 1993; "Netherlands Marriages, 1565-1892," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FNQQ-Y38 : 10 February 2018), Tomas Swartwout and Aerjaentje Sijmons, 07 Apr 1630; citing Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands; FHL microfilm 113,358; Tomys Swartwout Birthdate: 1607 Birthplace: Groningen, The Netherlands Death: Died June 3, 1665 in Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands Immediate Family: Son of Roelef Swartwout and Catryna Swartwood;